Saturday, December 11, 2010

An Empty heart

When your heart fills up you never really realize that it is happening. You never feel full of love, you just are. But when you lose something--that thing that has been so dear to you and part of your life for many, many months you feel...


It is an empty-ness that I cannot explain. It is just there. The left side of my chest just feels raw and bare and open.

I have been told that time heals all wounds, so I am hoping time heals mine.

My family and friends are giving me incredible support and I am extremely thankful for it.

I have realized that the most important thing for me to do is keep busy.

Today I helped my dad with the horses--they have always been a calming source for me, and we bedded the sheep with warm straw as it is cold outside.

I also helped dad with X-mas decorations at his cafe and went to a X-mas party with him----all to stay busy.

The rest of my day is definitely consumed by that feely of loneliness and that wish that I could just call or message that one person who I have spent sooo many hours, days and months with---but I can't.

I am supposed to let go and so as another day passes I am trying to step further and further away and try and make the gaping whole in my heart heal.

I am not only doing this for me, but for him as well.

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