Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ooooohhhh the wisdom teeth...

A few years ago I had my two bottoms taken out, but my top were left in. Over the weekend I was in serious pain because of my top left wisdom tooth. I knew it was something major as I would take extra strength Advil and still be in ridiculous pain. It was a rough few days.
Anyways, today I had enough and so I was able to get into the local dental office for an emergency appointment. It took no more than two seconds of of the dentist seeing me to determine that I had a soft tissue impaction.
Within a couple minutes I had freezing in my gums and he was prepping me for wisdom tooth extraction.
I went into the dental office at 3:15PM; by 3:45PM my wisdom tooth was out and I was on my way.
Home, in my sweats, watching TV.
Within an instance of the tooth being out, my pain level had dropped and I was surviving with pleasant aching from the extraction area.
Its about 6 hours after the extraction and now I feel 150% better.
Lets hope it stays that way.
I have one more wisdom tooth still in my gums. Hopefully it causes less havoc than my previous three wisdom teeth have.
Here's to hoping.

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