Saturday, June 14, 2014

F((&*@)ing Busy!!!!

Yes, I've definitely been lacking in the blogging department. I'm really freaking busy to put it lightly.
Whose great idea was it to work full-time AND do a Master's degree?
Crap, it was mine.
Anyways, I'm about half way through the course work required for my degree, however, now that it is summer I'm struggling more and more with this decision.
Nice weather and many, many distractions - camping, siding the garage, gardening, watching hockey, now that it is over, watcher FIFA World Cup, seem far more enjoyable.
Anyways, my mantra for now must be, "it'll be worth it in the end".
I'd better get back to reading as I watch the warm sun set again, and smell the delisciousness of those bbq'ing tempt me. Damn them!