It's not something I paid much attention to in the past - the Alberta budget.
This year was a little different. Well much different.
Our entire college was offered the opportunity to sit in on the live announcements from the legislature; it was an experience I will never forget.
What started off prior to the election as a promise to post secondary institutions of a 2% increase in funding has now turned into a 7.8% decrease in funding, which equalizes to about a 10 per cent loss in government funding for our institution.
This also equals substantial job losses.
Yesterday and today executives were giving the bad news to a number of colleagues in our College's regional campuses.
Tomorrow they are in LLB to fill us in on what's going on here.
I'm worried. And sad.
I can move on. I have before. I will again.
I feel terribly sad for the people who have their entire lives built around this community, and even more so this college.
Tomorrow will be the day....